In memory

In memory . . . . . . of a life so beautifully lived . . . . a Heart so deeply loved.

Courtney Nash, Organ Donor, Florida, 1997 - 2011

Courtney Nash, who was a rising junior at Astronaut High School in Brevard County, Florida, became an organ donor at age 14, her mother, PJ Nash-Ryder, told WFTV News. Nash-Ryder said her daughter's strength and selflessness in both life and death has sustained her during this difficult time.

"I didn't get my miracle, but she has performed other miracles," said Nash-Ryder. "I know she's up in heaven with that."

She described her daughter's strong faith in God. She talked about how Courtney had signed up to be an organ donor when she was 14. She thanked the gathering for their support.

"She touched so many lives," Nash-Ryder said. "They have given me the strength to keep going."

She hoped some good can come from the tragedy, including more awareness about the type of amoebic infection that affected her daughter.

Earlier Monday, students at Astronaut High wore T-shirts memorializing Courtney and decorated their cars in honor of the teen, who had just started her junior year.

"They're very close-knit as a community," Principal Terry Humphrey said. "I think that everybody's trying to make sure that the family knows she was loved.

"One of the things about living in a small community like Mims, you know everybody."

Nash was active in school, participated in softball and enjoyed the outdoors, Humphrey said.

She aspired to become a model and ultimately an obstetrician, her uncle, Tom Uzel, of Port St. John, said.

"Just a wonderful child, she's our angel," Uzel said.

Elizabeth Candler, who said she had known Courtney since the second grade, said her friend was kind and good-natured.

"She had everything going for her," Candler said. "In the blink of an eye, she is gone. It could have been any of us."

Health officials say Nash caught an amoebic infection while swimming in the St. Johns River during the first week of August.

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing, I miss you so much Courtney. I am so blessed to have call you my friend! Not a day goes by I don't think of you! God took your hand, and said it was time to go though. Not even a goodbye, which I'm okay with. Its just later for now, one day we'll see each other again. You have inspired me & you are someone i look up to now. Keep the sings coming baby girl!!


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